Community Development Block Grant Program

To submit a project request please use the form below and email to

Comments and Project Request

2024 Deadline for comments July 15, 2024, Mail: 20 N. Gallatin Uniontown PA 15401, Email: Phone:724-438-7968

The following types of activities may be eligible for funding under the CDBG Program: water and sewer line replacement and improvements; housing rehabilitation; construction of affordable housing; construction/reconstruction of public/community facilities; recreational facilities; public services that are new or provide quantifiable increases in the delivery of services; street improvements; historic preservation; removal of architectural barriers; code enforcement; economic development; acquisition and relocation; clearance and demolition. Projects must address one of the three national objectives.

  1. LMI Benefit: Benefit low- and moderate- income (LMI) persons
    1. Removal of Slum or Blight: Aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight.
      1. Urgent Need: Meet a need having a particular urgency.

Entitlement funding is set by Act 179 formula and is administered by the Department of Community and Economic Development. Competitive Program has a minimum request of $100,000 and has no ceiling limit. Seventy percent of each entitlement grant must be used for activities that benefit low- and moderate-income persons.