After over a yearlong vacancy, the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Uniontown (RACU) approved
at their regularly scheduled board meeting on March 15, 2023, to hire Crystal Simmons as the new
Executive Director. Simmons was straight to business the following day and will be the breath of fresh
air the board has been searching for. Simmons comes to the Authority with ten years’ experience
working in planning and community development and shares the boards passion for community
redevelopment. Simmons began her career in local government as the Grants Coordinator in the
neighboring Greene County Planning and Community Development Department. Simmons quickly
advanced to Manager, then Director of the Industrial Development Authority with a dual role of
managing the contracts under the Community Development Block Grant Program and the Home
Investment Partnership Program.
“It’s without question that the authority would not have survived nearly two years without a director,
had it not been for our Consulting Executive Director, Dana Kendrick, from K2 Engineering, and our
board president, Matt George. The future of this city is heavily dependent upon the services and
projects that RACU has the opportunity to provide. I couldn’t be any more optimistic about what our
new director means for the future of the city.” Said Kendal Sisler Board Member
RACU is committed to redevelopment, replanning, rehabilitation, and reconstruction of blighted areas
consistent with the needs of the community while promoting health, safety and affordable housing for
the residents of Uniontown. The Authority aims to improve the recreational, residential, and commercial
areas within the City of Uniontown and chartered the Uniontown Property Development Corporation, a
nonprofit, that will help further the overall initiatives of the board, which Simmons will also oversee.
The board is in the process of restructuring the organization. The immediate goals of the Authority are
to strengthen its existing programs, pursue new programs, and expand capacity to better service the
underlying goals of the Authority. Board members are very ambitious and focused to achieve great
things beginning with restructuring its programs and procedures under Simmons’ leadership.
“I look forward to pursuing additional programs, strengthening partnerships throughout Fayette County,
and I am very excited to build a model Redevelopment Authority for the City.” said Simmons.